Reports and Parent's Evening

Good Evening All

You should have all received the children's reports before the Easter break. These include the children's levels based on the assessments completed earlier in the Spring term. Please do not worry if your child has lower scores than in past reports. The pandemic has impacted on ALL pupils' attainment and we have been working hard to implement catch-up programmes to get them back on track.

In the next few days, we will be sending home letters to confirm the date of our next parents' evening. Due to the continued presence of Covid-19, we will again be making phone calls to give parents and carers an update and answer any questions you may have. The phone calls will last around 5 minutes each. As some parents have children in multiple year groups, each year group is planning to speak to parents on different evenings. Once the date for year 3 is confirmed, we will ask parents to reserve timeslots through the school spider website. We will endeavour to keep to these timeslots but the times may alter depending on how long each call takes. 

Hope you are all well and that you are enjoying the recent weather. 

Kind Regards

Mr Edwards, Miss Evans, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Murphy

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At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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