Inclusion / SEND

Special Educational Needs and Disability, please click this link

Equality Objectives, please click this link

SEMH Alternative Provision (The Hive), please click this link

Resourced Provision (Acorn Rooms), please click this link

Our SEND Policy can be found by clicking this link

Our SEND Information Report can be found by clicking this link


This school provides excellent provision for children with SEND and support for vulnerable, disadvantaged children and their families. Inclusion is central to the school ethos.” (SENDIA, 19th June 2019)


Newall Green is a mainstream community school in Wythenshawe, 9 miles from Manchester city centre. We are a large, three-form entry school set in extensive grounds. We aim to offer each individual the opportunities they need to succeed.  We have a Resourced Provision and Alternative Provision within our school. We pride ourselves on providing an inclusive learning environment for all children, where all children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.

We currently have 25.1% of pupils on the SEND register, 5.3% have EHCPS and 19.8% of pupils are receiving SEND Support.


The Executive Head with responsibility for inclusion is Mrs Sarah Rudd

The Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENDCos) are:-

Miss Kirstie McKenzie (Resourced Provision and Alternative Provision)

Miss Clare Mullally (EYFS and KS1)

Mrs Vicki Murphy (KS2)

School Telephone Number: 0161 437 2872

The SEND Governor is: Miss Liz Mulligan 


As a school we believe that parents are an integral part of their child’s education and we will always involve you in the decision-making process.


How we identify children who may have SEND within our school.

At Newall Green Primary we monitor children’s progress through ongoing assessment and tracking to ensure we identify any needs as early as possible.

Children may have difficulty with some or a combination of the following:

  • Cognition and Learning – this means the child may have difficulties with their learning e.g. reading, writing and maths.
  • Speech, Language and communication – this means that a child may have difficulties with spoken language, understanding language and communicating with others.
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health – this means that a child may have difficulties with social interactions and recognising and regulating their emotions. This can present as challenging behaviour. Pupils may sometimes require a referral to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service).
  • Physical and Sensory – this means that a child has a disability or impairment that could be a barrier to learning and may need specialist input.

If you feel your child is experiencing significant difficulties with any of the above please raise your concerns with the class teacher in the first instance.

If a child has a high level of need when joining the school, or after additional support in the form of an intervention, they will be considered to have Special Educational needs or Disabilities (SEND) and placed on the SEND register.

At Newall Green we believe that teaching pupils with SEND is a whole-school responsibility. The core of the teachers’ work involves a continuous cycle of planning, teaching, and assessing, considering the differences in pupils’ abilities, aptitudes, and interests. Some pupils may need increased levels of provision and support; the school will intervene by referring to our school’s graduated response wave chart.

When a member of staff has a concern over a child’s learning or behaviour, s/he will monitor the child’s progress while implementing Quality First Teaching techniques and class-based interventions. If after that there are still concerns, the class teacher will discuss the child with both parents and the SENDCo and complete an initial concerns form.


SEND Support

If, after recommendations have been put in place, the child is still making little or no progress, the SENDCo will meet with parents to discuss further intervention (including possible referrals to outside agencies), and the child will be added to our Special Educational Needs Register. The Class Teacher will complete a Learning Plan for the child which will be reviewed and updated at least three times a year. This will enable the teacher to set targets for the child to work towards. 


Education, Health and Care Plans

A very small minority of children need an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). If this is the case, the SENDCo will work closely with the pupil’s family, the Educational Psychologist and any other relevant professionals to put together evidence for an application to the Local Authority. Newall Green Primary School operates a waiting list system for children who may need Educational Psychology input.


Request for Statutory Assessment/EHCP

The school will request a Statutory Assessment from the Local Authority when, despite an individualised programme of sustained intervention while at School Action, it is clear that the child will have ongoing difficulties requiring additional support. A Statutory Assessment might also be requested by a parent or outside agency. In order to make a request for an EHCP, the school SENDCo will need to provide evidence including two cycles of Assess/Plan/Do/Review – This will involve class teachers and parents attending an initial consultation with an Educational Psychologist, followed by recommendations for support to be put in place in school, which will then need to be reviewed. This process of obtaining an EHCP can take up to a year and there is no guarantee that all applications will be successful.


EHCP Review

Education, Health and Care Plans are reviewed annually.  The SENDCo will organise the review and invite the relevant parties.  These will include:

Parents/carers, SEN caseworker, professionals involved with the child’s care including external agencies, SENDCo, representative from health if appropriate and the child if appropriate.

All paperwork from the review will be copied to parents, other professionals and the Local Authority.


Consulting the young person

Pupils are consulted at each stage of the identification and review process in the following ways:-

-Attending review meetings if they want to and it is appropriate. If not, their views are sought prior to the meeting.

-Being involved in setting and reviewing outcomes on their Learning Plans.



We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.

  • Moving classes- Information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance and in most cases a transition planning meeting will take place with the new teacher. A ‘meet the teacher’ morning is also put in place for all parents at our school. Every child has a time to meet their new teacher in their new classroom. Some children may need a personalised approach for this process, this may include a transition booklet or extra meetings with the new teacher.
  • Moving to a new school- We contact the SENDCo to make sure they know about any special arrangements or support that needs to be made for your child.
  • Year 6- The SENDCo attends meetings with your child’s chosen high school. Your child will have focussed transition lessons to support their understanding of the changes ahead. This may include some group activities within school. Where possible, they will visit the new school in advance on a number of occasions and in some cases staff from the new school may visit your child.
  • Reviews for pupils in Year 5 and 6 with EHCPs will focus on setting outcomes for KS3 and discussing aspirations for the future i.e. higher education/employment. 

Approach to teaching children with SEND

Newall Green Primary School strives to be an inclusive school, encompassing a sense of community and belonging through its:

  • Inclusive ethos
  • Peace Mala commitments
  • Rights Respecting Community
  • Broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils
  • Systems for early identification of barriers to learning and participation
  • High expectations and suitable targets for all children
  • ELKLAN strategies 

At Newall Green Primary School we have adopted a whole-school approach to SEND policy and practice which promotes inclusion.

Pupils identified as having SEND are, as far as is effective for the child, fully integrated into mainstream classes. Every effort is made to ensure that they have full access to the National Curriculum and are integrated into all aspects of the school. Where pupils are unable to access the curriculum, a personalised approach to learning will be provided and if needed, extra support during unstructured times.

The SENDCO and class teacher also work alongside the LAC lead to ensure that there is a holistic approach to meeting the needs of every looked after child with SEND. 


Resourced Provision

At Newall Green Primary School, we have a 6 place Resourced Provision for children with EHCP’s who need a more personalised approach to learning and need some time away from their mainstream class to work on individual targets. We cater mostly for children with Social Communication and Cognition and Learning difficulties. These places are allocated by the Local Authority. 


Alternative Provision

We also have an Alternative provision for children with Social, emotional and Mental  Health Needs. These places are allocated through Bridgelea Placement Panel.


Admission Arrangements

The Governing Body ensures that the admissions criteria does not discriminate against pupils with SEND and has due regard for Section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014.



We endeavour to include all children in all activities making reasonable adjustments so they can take part in school, visits and residential trips. Appropriate plans will be made for the provision of their personal care, dietary needs or medication. For further details please also see the school medication policy and accessibility plan.

Lessons are carefully planned and differentiated or adapted to meet the needs of all pupils.

Newall Green Primary is a barrier-free environment. This means that the corridors and toilets are wheelchair accessible, there are ramps and rails in place where needed, and every child has equal physical access to all parts of school.

Reasonable adjustments will always be made to ensure that disabled pupils can participate in all aspects of the curriculum and access all information that those who are not disabled are able to access.

See Accessibility Plan document: Accessibility Plan 2021

The school website can be translated into a number of different languages to enable access for families with English as an Additional Language.

Newall Green Primary can employ translators for meetings with parents of children with SEND where appropriate.



Staff access regular training appropriate for their needs in order to support children. This can be through in-house training, peer support, 1:1 training, groups or courses dependent upon the needs of the child.

SENDCos and teachers work alongside professionals (e.g. Speech & Language Therapists/Occupational Therapists/Physiotherapists/Educational Psychologists and Counsellors) where needed to ensure that provision is delivered effectively to each child.

Health professionals deliver specific training regularly – either to all staff or those who work directly with the identified children.

SENDCos attend various types of training and will feedback initiatives and strategies to all staff as needed.


Evaluating the success of our SEND provision


The success of the school’s SEND Policy and provision is evaluated through:

  • Monitoring of classroom practice by SENDCo and subject co-ordinator
  • Analysis of pupil tracking data
  • Analysis of test results both for individuals and cohorts.
  • Value-added data for pupils on the SEND Register
  • Consideration of each pupil’s progress in meeting outcomes
  • SENDCos report to Governors 3 times per year
  • School self-evaluation
  • The School Improvement Plan
  • The SEND Action Plan


In 2018 the school achieved the SENDIA award which evidences that Newall Green Primary are an outstanding provider for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. A thorough inspection and assessment of our systems, processes and provision was carried out by an independent agency to secure this award.

The SEND Team regularly monitor SEND provision within school. This is done through Learning Walks, looking at planning and books, monitoring of Learning Plans and Interventions and speaking with staff and pupils.


The latest SEND learning walk took place in February 2023. The focus and results of the learning walk are as follows:

Is there evidence of high-quality provision for pupils with SEND, which includes evidence of adapted teaching and scaffolding to enable all learners to access the curriculum and make progress?

  • There is lots of evidence of high-quality provision across the school with a range of adapted teaching techniques and different scaffolding strategies being used. The school feels calm and inclusive with all children being included in activities, supported if needed.
  • Teachers gave children time to respond to questions and there was evidence of targeted questioning for different groups of children. There was also lots of opportunities for talk and discussion within lessons.
  • From looking at books, there is clear evidence of progression.

Is there evidence of a range of resources and manipulatives being used to support children in the classroom? Is there evidence of QFT being used first to support pupils with SEND?

  • The learning environments were mostly decluttered with working wall displays and visuals displayed to support the pupil’s learning. A range of seating strategies were used to ensure that pupils got the most from their learning. Calm learning environments throughout the school. Behaviour management was good throughout school and children could talk about the adaptations they needed to support their learning or SEMH needs.
  • A range of scaffolds were used throughout school e.g. different colours used to identify different features of texts, task boards, Wagoll, vocabulary, word mats.
  • There was evidence of good modelling being used- both verbally and in writing. In some classes the TA and Teacher worked well together to model questioning and answering.
  • There was evidence of physical adaptations in learning environments e.g. ear defenders, sloping boards, wedge cushions, word mats, number mats, sound mats, pencil grips, weighted blankets, theraputty, therabands etc.
  • In some classes children had visual targets ont heir tables and were able to quickly remind themselves of their targets. Some children then had resources in a folder linked to their individual; targets that they could complete independently.
  • In classes where there was no TA support, classes were still settled and other adaptations were used to support children.
  • Some children were given extra time to complete tasks as an adaptation.
  • In some classes, transitions were managed well with timers, countdowns, tidy up music and use of visuals (Now and Next).

Is there evidence of SEND pupils being taught/supported by both teachers and TAs?

  • Staff talked about rotating the groups they worked with and this was evident to see on the learning walk.
  • Teachers and TAs had high expectations for all children and used a range of praise and reward to build the children’s self-esteem.

Do pupils with SEND feel supported and know how to help themselves with their learning or know who to go to for help?

  • Engagement with learning is good throughout school. There is evidence that learning is taking place in the classroom and pupils are clear about the objectives in the lessons. Most classes had working walls for different subjects which evidenced a clear sequence of learning.
  • There was evidence of self-assessment and responding to feedback with verbal and written praise being given. Verbal feedback was given in lessons.
  • Rewards and praise evident.
  • Pupils were able to talk about what they had been learning that day and could articulate what they liked and disliked about school, including the support they get. Most pupil views were very positive.
  • There was lots of evidence of independent learning taking place in classrooms and behaviour for learning was excellent.
  • Children knew what to do when they finished activities and there was evidence of children working on their individual targets in a maths lesson after completion of task e.g. number bonds, timetables, number formation.
  • Most children in KS2 were aware of their targets or knew where to find them. Some children in KS1 knew their target

Do support staff and teachers have a good understanding of the needs of the pupils in their classes?

  • Support staff have a good understanding of the children’s needs in their classes. Staff talked about rotating the groups they worked with. They could talk about the different provision’s children have and who had a Learning Plan. Some staff were also able to talk about specific adaptations that are made in the classroom to support different children e.g. outcome, laptop to support writing, maths manipulatives, book mark-marvel memory, ELKLAN mind maps, use of whiteboard at the back of the class to model writing for groups who need it. Staff were able to talk about support offered in class as well as outside of the classroom.
  • The recent SEND audit also reflected the hard work that support staff have put in with interventions. Classes have folders with evidence of interventions. Class Teachers have ensured that interventions are all up to date on provision map.

This what some of our pupils with SEND say:

“I look at my number line or caterpillar numbers to help me.” KS1 pupil

“I am really excited about writing a letter to the pilots at the airport before our school trip.” KS1 pupil

“The words on the wall help me with my work.” KS1 pupil

“Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of where the other children are reading in RWI, I use my finger or a lolly pop stick to help.” KS2 pupil

“I like learning spellings in partners, we test each other and write them on whiteboards, we help each other learn them.” KS2 pupil

“I’ve enjoyed learning about Frida Kahlo and Henry VIII, we wrote a balanced argument and I even wrote ten paragraphs.” KS2 pupil

“I have brain breaks to help me stay focused.” KS2 pupil. 

Here are some examples of the things we have in place in our classrooms to support pupils with SEND:


Some of the ways we support pupils with SEND at Newall Green Primary School:

SEND (2).png


Newall Green Primary aims to improve the emotional and social development of all pupils including those with SEND through the following: -

  • Dimensions PSHE curriculum
  • Emotions Boards and worry boxes in every classroom
  • One to one therapy (Drawing and Talking/Place 2 Be/School counsellor)


See NGPS Mental Health Policy for details 


Support from external agencies

Specialist services that are accessed by our school for pupils with SEND include: -

  • Educational Psychology Services
  • School Nurse
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Child and Adult Mental Health services
  • Paediatricians
  • Sensory Support Service
  • Local special schools with outreach services eg: Bridgelea, Ashgate, Lancasterian, RHOSEY
  • Non-statutory school social worker/counsellor
  • Place 2 Be counsellor
  • Physiotherapists
  • IAS (Independent Advisory Service)
  • Statutory Assessment Team
  • Early Help Assessment TeamChildren’s Services
  • Runner Beans Reading Staff



In the first instance complaints should be directed to class teacher and SENDCO, who will endeavour to resolve the issue. For full complaints procedure, see Complaints Policy.

Parents may wish to seek advice from the Independent Advisory Service:


How Newall Green supports your child

All children receive quality first provision; this means that a range of teaching styles and appropriate learning objectives are set for all children with a curriculum matched to their needs. Our teachers and teaching assistants have expertise in various areas of SEND, and will undertake relevant training wherever needed.

We make sure your child’s progress is monitored by their class teacher on a regular basis. This can be in the form of:

  • Observation
  • Discussion
  • Questioning
  • Formal assessments
  • Individualised programmes
  • National tests



If a child continues to work well below national age-related expectations or does not make the expected rate of progress, a number of professionals including an Educational Psychologist (EP) may be consulted by the school with yourself in order to reach a decision regarding future provision your child might need in school.


Reporting back to you

All children have a parent’s evening in the Autumn and Spring term for their teacher to discuss progress and to highlight any concerns. They then have a half yearly written report in February, and a full written report at the end of each school year. Children with SEND may have additional meetings with a range of other agencies. This may include a formal process called the Early Help Assessment (EHA).


How we put this policy into practice


The role of the SENDCo


The SENDCo plays a crucial role in the school’s SEND provision. This involves working with the Headteacher and Governing Body to determine the strategic development of the policy. Other responsibilities include:


  • Overseeing the day-to-day operation of the policy
  • Co-ordinating the provision for pupils with SEND
  • Liaising with and giving advice to fellow teachers and teaching assistants
  • Managing 1:1 support staff
  • Overseeing pupils’ learning
  • Liaising with the parents
  • Delivering INSET sessions
  • Managing the SEND budget
  • Monitoring the SEND provision
  • Liaising with external agencies, LA support services, Health and Social Services, and voluntary bodies.

For effective co-ordination, all other staff must understand and show competence in: -

  • Making provision for SEND pupils
  • Alert the SENDCO to concerns and keeping them well informed about pupils’ progress
  • Accessing information about SEND pupils
  • Understanding what constitutes a ‘level of concern’
  • Informing parents of this concern and the subsequent SEND provision
  • Developing constructive relationships with parents
  • Identifying effective interventions
  • Setting specific and relevant targets
  • Formulating Learning Plans for SEND children and incorporating these into lessons


The Head teacher will work alongside the SENDCO when needed and will ensure that the lead SENDCO is part of the school leadership team and oversees strategic development of SEND provision.


Manchester’s Local Offer for children with SEND:


Legislation and guidance

This policy and information report is based on the statutory Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice and the following legislation:

Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014, which sets out schools’ responsibilities for pupils with SEN and disabilities.

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, which set out schools’ responsibilities for education, health and care (EHC) plans, SEND coordinators (SENDCOs) and the SEND information report . 


Please see our SEND Policy and Information Report for further information. 




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At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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