Allocation 2022/2023
Pupil Premium Allocation 2022-2023
The Pupil Premium Grant was introduced in April 2011, and is paid by means of a specific grant allocated by the government which is based on the school census figures for pupils registered as being eligible for the funding.
The Secretary of State for Education lays down the following terms and conditions on which assistance is given in relation to the pupil premium grant (PPG) payable to schools and local authorities for the financial year beginning 1 April 2022.
PPG provides funding for two separate policies:
- raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to reach their potential
- supporting children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces
The PPG per-pupil rate for 2022 to 2023 is as follows:
Disadvantaged pupils |
Pupil premium per pupil |
Pupils who are eligible for free school meals, or have been eligible in the past 6 years (including eligible children of families with no recourse to public funds) |
£1,385 |
Children who are looked after by the local authority |
£2,410 |
Pupils who have been adopted from care or have left care |
£2,410 |
Service children |
Service premium per pupil |
£320 |
Funding paid to schools
School leaders are best placed to assess their pupils’ needs and use the funding to improve attainment, drawing on evidence of effective practice. Pupil premium is not a personal budget for individual pupils and schools are not required to spend all of the allocated grant on eligible pupils.
It is for school leaders to decide how to spend the pupil premium, within the requirements of the conditions of grant.
Evidence suggests that pupil premium spending is most effective when used across 3 areas.
- High-quality teaching, such as staff professional development.
- Targeted academic support, such as tutoring.
- Wider strategies to address non-academic barriers to success in schools, such as attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) recommend that schools particularly focus their pupil premium on supporting high-quality teaching.
The Trustees of The Cherry Tree Trust are committed to narrowing the educational gap for our vulnerable pupils. So that the Pupil Premium money is spent wisely, making maximum impact for the vulnerable pupils Trustees have reviewed the support that has been put in place using the Pupil Premium Funding. We know that our previous decisions have been beneficial to our vulnerable learners as data statistics show that;
68% of Disadvantaged pupils achieved the expected standard compared to 71% of 'Other' pupils Nationally. Therefore, there is an achievement gap of 3%. National Disadvantaged is 51%. The performance of Disadvantaged pupils in school is similar or better than 'Other' pupils Nationally
From our Pupil Premium budget of £495,000, Recovery Premium funding £53,000 and School Led Tutoring budget £53,000 we have allocated fixed cost interventions for 2022 /23:
Activity in this academic year
This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed in our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022/23 (download below).
Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)
Total £601 700
Budgeted cost: £ [483 900]
Activity |
Evidence that supports this approach |
Challenge number(s) addressed |
Safeguarding Team Parental Engagement ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) training for all staff Mental health first aid training for some staff Participation in an Early Help/Attendance pilot scheme with Children’s Services
Pupil voice/ Parent voice tells us that parents like to be involved in their child’s learning and pupil’s like their achievements to be celebrated with parents. Use of a trauma- informed approach helps to break down potential barriers and encourage parents to work with us.
Use of social media to communicate with parents and promote class learning. Parental voice is captured through Parent’s Evening Questionnaires and is sought individually for one-page profiles.
Safeguarding Audit £66 000 |
1,3,6 |
Behaviour Support Team inc School Counsellor Drawing and Talking Yoga sessions
Therapeutic intervention for children who cannot focus on their learning due to emotional stress or trauma (through being exposed to domestic violence/bereavement/incarceration of parent etc). If anxieties are managed and coping strategies taught, pupil can resume learning and disruption is minimised. Each year group have a term of yoga lessons with a yoga and mindfulness coach, so they learn strategies to self-regulate and relax.
£125 000 |
1,6 |
Team Teach Courses for staff (+re-accreditation of Team Teach Trainer) |
A rise in SEMH needs in school (with prevalence in PP pupils)has warranted training in de-escalation for teachers/teaching assistants/lunchtime organisers £600 (re-accreditation) Cost of cover for training day for 10 staff £2500
1,6 |
Ongoing QA and CPD from RWI and The English Hub |
Termly visits to quality assure RWI teaching Online subscriptions to RWI Spelling and Phonics £2 400 |
2,5 |
Online teaching for PP children who are homeless or have fled Domestic Violence |
Use of Microsoft Teams for online lessons/ setting of independent tasks/feedback when pupil is still on school role but cannot be in school due to the distance of their temporary accommodation from school. £9 000 |
1,3,6 |
Additional word acquisition opportunities and comprehension skills through extra TA support in EYFS to allow small group interventions and individual support to
EEF Teaching & Learning Toolkit shows that reading comprehension strategies can have an impact of +6 months. EEF Early Years Toolkit shows that early numeracy approaches can have an impact of +6 months. Time for ongoing professional dialogues regarding further support for these children will help to keep this a priority. There is a collected responsibility for PP children’s progress in order to make accelerated progress. Staff will know who they are; their barriers to learning and any strategies needed to meet their educational and emotional needs. £65 000 |
2,5 |
Attendance Team- daily home visits and transport to school One Ed SLA
Poor attendance has a significant negative impact on pupils’ achievement. PP are children identified and the team work closely with parents and families to improve attendance, doing home visits and transporting children into school when necessary. If additional support is needed, this is identified early using an Early Help Assessment. Attendance Officers from One Education work alongside us with our hardest to reach families. £60 000 |
3,6 |
Financial support for Residential trips and activities
Pupil Premium money enables us to make sure that no child misses out at Newall Green Primary. Our children need to have rich and varied learning experiences if they are going to achieve better academically and display the right behaviours for learning. Using Pupil Premium funding we can now ensure that they get those first-hand experiences that they might have missed out on without our financial support and intend to continue to support disadvantaged children in this way. £50 000 |
1,6 |
RWI catch up tutoring and Freshstart in addition to programme
RWI aims for 100% of Year 1 children to reach the expected standard of the Phonics screening check and give teachers the skills to teach the most struggling readers. Children develop reading fluency so they can read with comprehension and also develop the co-operative behaviour necessary for them to articulate their ideas and understanding. £55 000 |
2,5 |
Reading Support from ‘Runner Beans’ volunteers (expenses only)
Purchase of Salford Reading Tests to ensure accurate baseline at the start of the year |
PP children and Non PP children who are identified through Salford Reading Test to be below age-related expectations are allocated to receive reading sessions with Beanstalk readers. Children who are disadvantaged, that are reading below their reading age, are targeted through this intervention to ensure they catch up and progress at the same rate of non-disadvantaged. £1500
1, 2 and 5 |
Individual or small group precision teaching /boosting interventions Year 1-6 |
Research for the Education Endowment Foundation show that small groups can have a big impact on learning and progression. Experienced teachers delivering bespoke lessons and targeting learning to ensure all children, including PP children reach expected standard. The children will be carefully and rigorously monitored to ensure progression. To continue our success from last academic year in % of children meeting expected standard in all areas. Time for ongoing professional dialogues regarding further support for these children will help to keep this a priority. There is a collected responsibility for PP children’s progress in order to make accelerated progress. Staff will know who they are; their barriers to learning and any strategies needed to meet their educational and emotional needs. £45 000
2,5 |
Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)
Budgeted cost: £86 200
Activity |
Evidence that supports this approach |
Challenge number(s) addressed |
Choir sessions with Music Specialist |
Our music specialist works for one term in KS1, one in Lower KS2 and one in Upper KS2 supporting all children with woodwind and string lessons. Singing assemblies and choir sessions are also provided. £8 500 |
1 and 6 |
Purchase of White Rose Maths Scheme Workbooks |
£5 200 |
5 |
Speech and Language Assessments and Interventions
Delivery of SALT recommendations by TA |
Reports are provided with professionally recommended strategies – can be used to support EHCP applications. When recommendations are delivered, pupils make faster progress with speech and understanding. Teacher targeting and tracking progress of children who need extra support with cognitive understanding and language support. £10 000
£30 000 |
1,2,6 |
Wellcomm Assessment and Intervention
Screening provides early identification of SAL needs. Support activities are provided whether or not a child is referred to a speech and language therapist £16 000
2 |
Clever Fingers
Delivery of motor skills sessions |
Teachers /TAs are provided with an overview of the essential components of fine motor skills, tools to identify potential underlying reasons for pupils’ poor fine motor skills and guidance on how to appropriately address the difficulties, through the use of a Clever Fingers Box. £500
£12 000
2,5 |
Lexia Reading Eggs Times Table Rockstars |
EEF study of Lexia in KS1: EEF Teaching & Learning Toolkit shows that individualised instruction can have an impact of +4 months including use of digital platforms £4000 |
2, 4 and 5 |
Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)
Budgeted cost: £ [31 600]
Activity |
Evidence that supports this approach |
Challenge number(s) addressed |
Add or delete rows as needed. |
After School Clubs are provided free or at subsidised rates (e.g. Sports all £1 per week) so are accessible to all and increase Cultural Capital
Research by Bourdieu (and Marx before him) believed that Cultural Capital plays an important role in the development of society. Our aim is to equip all pupils with the skills, interests and experiences to be high-school ready and ultimately workforce-ready. 15 000 |
1,4,6 |
Magic Breakfast subscription
Free Breakfast Club
Membership allows us to have unlimited food supply for a fixed price so that no child goes hungry at breakfast time. Breakfast is offered not just to those in Breakfast Club but to all children on the playground and in class, including latecomers. Breakfast club is subsidised heavily at only £2 per child. (Average cost locally is £6-8) This makes it accessible to all our families and encourages children and parents to make a positive start to the day. £1800 £7000 |
1,6 |
Provision Map to create profiles and targets for pupils |
£5800 |
1,2,4, and 5 |
Aspirations Day |
We believe it is our responsibility to open children’s minds to the possibilities they have in their futures and encourage them to have ambition and set high expectations for themselves. £2000 |
1,6 |
Total budgeted cost: £ [602 800]
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