2RB: News items
Swimming Breakfast and Afterschool Club, by Mrs Campbell
Places still available for After School Sports Clubs, by Miss Granger
Easter Holiday Club, by Miss Granger
Year 1 & 2 Target Setting - Wednesday 27th March, by Miss Granger
Change of Date - Year 2 Christmas Activity Morning, by Miss Granger
Footlights Theatre Presents... Cinderella, by Miss Granger
Christmas Activity Morning, by Miss Granger
Year 2 Christmas Sing-a-Long, by Miss Granger
Coffee Morning - 20.09.23, by Miss Granger
Pupil of the Day Competition, by Miss Redford
100% Attendance Reward Draw, by Miss Redford
Event Welcome Coffee Morning Wed 5th October 2022 KS1 Hall, by Mr Whitfield
KS1 Christmas Dates, by Miss Redford
Do you want to help your child to read, by Miss Redford
Covid 19 School Broadcast - Updated Guidance from Manchester Council - 07 July 2021, by Miss Redford
Year 2 Spring 2 Newsletter, by Ms Bond
Autumn 2 Year 2 Subject Knowledge Organisers, by Ms Bond
Circuit Breaker - School Closure until Nov 9 2020, by Miss Redford
A1 W7 homework 16.10.20, by Ms Bond
Confirmed Case of Covid in 5JE and the POD, by Miss Redford
A1 W6 homework 9.10.20, by Ms Bond
A1 W5 homework 2.10.20, by Ms Bond
A1 W4 Homework 25.9.20, by Ms Bond
A1 week 3 Homework 18.9.20, by Ms Bond
We are very social...