1AC 2023 - 2024

Mrs Collighan


Welcome back 1AC,

Meet the Teacher:



Our important dates to remember can also be found by clicking this link

Class Photos are on the 17th May this Summer term!

We also have our trip to Dunham Massey on 18th June!

Other key things to remember are as follows!

  • Please remember to bring a water bottle to class every day, these can be kept in the water tray and refilled by an adult if needed. 
  • Children will be given free fruit at playtime, if they wish they can bring their own fruit choice from home.
  • Knowledge organisers will be avaliable every half term to give more detail on the objectives for each subject. These will be uploaded to school spider for you to see, you can share them with your children and even create your own at home to help you remember the facts.
  • Reading is extremly important. Every child should aim to read for at least ten minutes each evening. Grown ups can also read to children using the bedtime story books avaliable to take home from the classroom. 
  • Home reading books -  All staff have recently had training using Read, Write Inc. Children will bring books home to read that they will be familiar with based on their lessons. It is incredibly important that children regularly have their book bags in school to progress through the scheme and change the books regularly.   
  • Read Write Inc sound booklets - The booklets will be sent out to practise reading at home. You must practise these each day with your child. Remember to say "Special Friends, Fred Talk, read the word". Please come and see me if you are unsure on what to do with these.
  • PE will be every Monday and Tuesday and children are asked to come to school PE ready with kit on. This includes pumps/trainers, joggers/leggings, t-shirt and jumper as it is outdoors. If possible please avoid hooded tops for safety.  Please only put children in trainers with laces if they can tie them independently.  
  • Mrs Collighan:)


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Our Mission Statement...

At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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