2RB 2023 - 2024

Mrs Bond

Miss McCormack

Welcome to 2RB,

I hope you had a great half term with your family. We have lots of exciting things for you to learn this half term!


Below you will find class information and a copy of the knowledge organisers for this half term. 

Meet the teacher: 


Our important dates to remember can be found by clicking this link

Important information:

  • 2RB need to arrive at school at 8.45am and will finish at 3:15pm.
  • If you are late to school please sign your child in at the main school office, this is also the case if you are collecting early.
  • Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday, please make sure that your child comes into school in their PE kit. This includes pumps/trainers, joggers/leggings, t-shirt and jumper as it is outdoors. If possible please avoid hooded tops for safety. Please only put children in trainers with laces if they can tie them independently.  
  • If your child has an after school sports club, please send them into school in their uniform and they will be given time to change into their PE kits before the club starts. 
  • Please can you remember to pre-order your child's dinner on ParentPay, if you need any support please contact the office. 
  • From October half term, correspondence from school will only be sent through the School Spider App. If you haven't done so already, please can you download the app and collect your login details from the main office.


  • Please would you be able to provide your child with a water bottle for use throughout the day which is clearly labelled.
  • We are a Healthy School so please can you ensure that your child's water bottle is only filled with water or sugar free cordial and their snacks follow the Healthy Schools Policy.
  • Don't forget to write your child's name in any clothing/shoes to prevent them from getting lost or mixed up.
  • Please send your child into school with their reading book and planner everyday.  Reading books will be changed every Thursday. 


  • Maths and Literacy: Every Friday your child will bring home a piece of maths and literacy homework which needs to be completed and put in the homework box by the classroom door before the following Friday. The homework set will be a task to support what they have been doing that week in school, so it is important that it is completed and returned.
  • Read Write Inc: Your child's phonics teacher and/or class teacher will send home a copy of the book that they have been reading in their Read Write Inc lessons and also a corresponding book bag book. It is important that your child brings their book bag into school daily so that their book can be changed when the next book is ready to be sent home. Please read with your child for 10 minutes each day.
  • Bedtime Story Books: Each night you can read this story to your child to help develop their understanding of books and stories. It is an opportunity to ask questions about the book such as Where is the front? What is the title? What is the job of the person who writes the book? It is also a time where you can dive into the book and find out more, for example, Who are the main characters in the story? Where does the story take place? What do you think will happen on the next page? If you could change the story, how would you? Which parts did you like/dislike and why? These books can be changed daily by the children.
  • PurpleMash: Your child has also received their log in details to access PurpleMash online. There are various tasks that you can access to help support your child's learning in lots of different ways, including 2Dos set by the team in school.
  • Times Tables Rock Stars: In your child's planner they will have a login for TT Rockstars, it is important that they go on this as often as possible to help develop their knowledge of their times tables and the corresponding division facts. They are able to compete with their peers and teachers, as well as buy items for their character in the shop with the coins they earn for answering each question correctly.


The topics that we will be looking at this half term are: 

  • Geography - Cities, countrysides, towns and villages
  • Art - Slogans and logos
  • RE - Tribal and native
  • Science - Super Scientists
  • DT - Perfect pizzas
  • ICT - Creating pictures
  • Music - Reflect, rewind and replay

Important website links: 

Here are some links that will be useful throughout this year: 

If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to Miss McCormack or Ms Bond or any other member of Year 2 at drop off or collection.


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Eco-Garden Launch Day, by Mr Edwards

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At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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