3KH 2023 - 2024

Miss Hart



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3 KH Summer 2 Newsletter - 3/6/24

Welcome back,  we hope you have all had a lovely, restful break...we can’t wait to get started with some fantastic learning over our final half-term in Year 3. This year has gone so fast! 

Here is some useful information regarding our daily school life. 

  • The school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3pm.
  • If you are late (9:00am onwards), please take your child to the main office to sign them in and receive a red slip. 
  • Early pick-ups need to be collected from the office, with the relevant evidence for early collection. 

SHOWCASE ASSEMBLY: Our showcase assembly is planned for Thursday 4th July, 9:10am in the KS2 Hall- If there are any changes we will update you ASAP.- Please keep checking our class page and the classroom notice window for updates.

PE Day 

Our PE lessons will be on a FRIDAY. The children can come to school in their PE kit. Please remember no jewellery, football shirts and appropriate footwear. - Full PE must be worn including a white t-shirt and plain black shorts or joggers.

  • If your child has an after-school sports club, please send your child to school in their uniform and they will be given time to change into their PE kits before the club starts. 


Swimming lessons will be on a Monday please keep an eye out for time updates. We will be returning at around 3:20pm on the 3rd June, 10th June and 17th June. After that, we will be back at school before 3pm so please don't be late.


It is really important that your child reads 20 minutes each day minimum. If you are able to read with your child, that is also extremely beneficial to support them. Please could you update reading records in your child’s planner and sign this each day-if possible, or at least 3 times a week. In 3KH we take pride in supporting our young readers and we will check and sign planners daily. 


Homework will be sent out weekly on a Friday. This will be spellings, literacy and maths including Times Tables, which will consolidate the learning they have completed in the classroom that week. Please encourage your child to return this to school on a Wednesday. 

Times tables 

We will be having a huge focus on Times Tables in year 3. It is very important that by the end of year 3 the children are really starting to embed their times table knowledge in preparation for year 4. We will do lots of work on this in school but please encourage your children to do extra practise at home. They all have Times Table Rock stars logins in their planners which is a fantastic resource for improving their tables. 

Read Write Inc

To provide children with additional reading and writing support, some pupils will be receiving additional reading booklets. These correspond to the reading and writing activities we will complete in class. Practising at home will give your child a greater chance to thrive.


Each child will be given a login to TT Rockstars and Purple Mash. These are all apps that you can access through most computers and laptops, as well as tablets. If you are missing or have misplaced a login, please let a school adult know.

Non-core lessons 

We are learning about some fantastic topics during our final half term. 

Please see attached in the files section the knowledge organisers for each subject. This will give you an overview of what your child is learning about. 

Non-core subjects for Summer 2 will include:

Science: Light and Shadows

Geography: Earthquakes and volcanoes

RE: Earth Religions

ICT: Simulations

French: The circle of life - animals

DT: Light-up signs

Music: Bringing us toegther


Please send your child in with a labelled bottle of water so they can have access to this throughout the day- especially during the hot weather!- this can be refilled in school. We are a Healthy School, so please can you ensure that your child's water bottle is only filled with water or a sugar-free cordial, and their snacks follow the Healthy Schools Policy. 

  • Don't forget to clearly label any clothing/shoes with your child's name and class to prevent them from getting mixed up/lost. 

Please keep checking our class page for further updates.  If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help! :) 

I am looking forward to continuing our FINAL Year 3 journey together,

Miss Hart :) 





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At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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