4JE 2023 - 2024

Mr Edwards

Mr Cowhig

Mrs Harvey

Miss Connolly

Welcome to 4JE

We have missed you all and can't wait to have you back! Below is some important information for the year

Best Wishes from Mr Edwards and Mrs Morris

Our important dates to remember can be found by clicking this link

Important Information

  • School day starts at 8.45 and finishes at 3pm
  • If you are late (9am onwards), please take your child to the main office to sign them in and receive a red slip.
  • Early pick up’s need to collect from the office, with the relevant evidence for early collection.  
  • If your child has an after-school sports club, please send your child to school in their uniform and they will be given time to change into their PE kits before the club starts. 
  • Please can you remember to pre-order your child's dinner on Parent Pay, if you need any support, please contact the office.
  • Information about upcoming events is placed on the calendar on the school website.
  • Download the School Spider App as from October half term, correspondence will be sent through this. (Speak to the office for login details.)
  • Please send your child into school daily with their reading book and planner. 
  • Don't forget to clearly label any clothing/shoes with your child's name and class to prevent them from getting mixed up/lost. 


Please bring your labelled water bottles with you each day. These should contain water only and if you run out you can fill up in the classroom. If you can, try to use a reusable bottle.

Healthy Snacks

We are a Healthy School, so please can you ensure that your child's water bottle is only filled with water or a sugar-free cordial, and their snacks follow the Healthy Schools Policy. 



We believe that uniform is important and expect pupils to arrive in the correct clothing.


  • Black, navy or grey school trousers or shorts
  • Plain white or blue shirt, white or blue polo shirt or school polo shirt
  • Plain navy blue jumper, sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece
  • Black footwear.


  • Black, navy or grey school trousers, shorts or skirt
  • In warmer months, girls may wear a blue check summer dress
  • In colder months, girls may wear black, navy or grey tights
  • Plain white or blue shirt, white or blue polo shirt or school polo shirt
  • Plain navy blue jumper, sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece
  • Black footwear.


The children may only wear single stud earrings and a watch to school. This is for all of the children’s safety and also the security of any jewellery. No other jewellery is acceptable and your child will be asked to remove
it. Jewellery MUST NOT be worn for P.E. or swimming. 

If you are struggling to find suitable clothing, please let a member of staff know and we can provide help including clean, second hand items from the Whitehouse Centre. 


PE lessons will be on Wednesday and Thursday this term.

Please come to school in your PE kit including trainers, navy or black shorts or joggers, a plain white t-shirt and a plain navy jumper (if children are wearing inappropriate or colourful clothes, these fall outside of our school uniform policy and children will be asked to change).


This will be given out on a Friday and is due the following Thursday. Any children struggling to complete homework at home, should ask for help from a school adult by Wednesday!

Golden Time

This will take place every Friday afternoon to celebrate the children's hard work and good behaviour - the children can bring one toy and we will sometimes have special activities.


Tthere are several children with severe nut allergies in the classroom so please avoid sending products with nuts into school.


We expect children to read at least 3 days in a week (out of 7 days) and to bring their planners every day for review. Children should record the name of the book and which pages they have read in their planners. We will give out champion points to regular readers!


Each child will be given a login to TT Rockstars and Purple Mash. These are all apps that you can access through most devices. If you are missing or have misplaced a login, please let a school adult know.


If you or your child have any concerns, please communicate through their school planner or speak to one of the school adults at the end of the school day. We also have a feelings box at the front of the class for the children to put their worries, in case they feel uncomfortable speaking to a school adult.


The topics that we will looking at this term are:

  • ICT - Spreadsheets; Writing for Different Audiences
  • Literacy - Informal Letters; Diary Entry; Classic Poetry
  • History -  Invaders and Settlers (Anglo-Saxons & Vikings)
  • Geography - Rainforests
  • Music - Grime
  • Maths - Multiplication & Division; Shape; Fractions; Decimals
  • Science - States of Matter
  • Art - Depicting Weather in Art
  • Design & Technology - Making Greenhouses
  • RE - Hinduism

Files to Download

4JE: Blog items

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4JE: Display work items

Eco-Garden Launch Day, by Mr Edwards

4JEs Trip to Chester Zoo, by Mr Edwards

Year 4 Egyptian Day, by Mr Edwards

4JE: Events items

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At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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